Thursday 4 February 2016

The New Republic!

One of the significant let-downs of modern Irish Republicanism is the abject failure to create a modern day vision in the minds of the Irish people, both Unionist and Nationalist, of what a contemporary ‘United Ireland’ would look like in social and economic terms. This applies to both ‘mainstream’ and ‘dissident’ camps. Partition, with nearly a century of entrenchment can be grasped in the hands and heard in the ears of Irish citizens. It provides and guarantees the most basic necessities to most yet fails to live up to the aspiration of many. Contrastingly, the New Republic outlined in the proclamation meets the aspirational needs of an envisaged modern Ireland. However, the ‘New Republic’ floats around in the minds of Irish Republicans like a pipe dream. A pipe dream that is triggered by the words of Easter 1916 and the stony inscriptions of the names of our dead.  The Irish people has limited ability to grasp the ‘New Republics’ glory. The Irish people can touch and feel the cold flesh of partition. Irish Republicans must instil in the minds of the Irish people a warm bodily vison of what the New Republic entails and the rights it would guarantee.  It must be clear and intelligible. By doing so will only help garner support for Irish reunification. Without an object to point to, the Irish people will cling to the status quo for limited yet guaranteed comforts. To hearten this vison the concerns of the Irish people in regards to the reunification process must be addressed. There are many concerns regarding reunification. This piece will try and address a few.

Would the rights and liberties of Irish people be protected in a new secular constitution, what new rights would be included if any? Or would the six counties be simply married to the current 26 county constitution? A move that would be no doubt be unacceptable to unionists. Would unionists have a right to serve in the British army and retain joint citizenship? How much influence would unionists have in the New Republic? If any.  Ireland’s position as a member of the European Union could be a topic of concern for the Irish people. Importantly how would a 32 county Ireland be policed and which model will the judiciary adopt. Uncertainly and confusion over such crucial and fundamental issues only serves to feed the creature we know as partition.

Other than major constitutional concerns, bread and butter issues and the dynamics that drive them differ in both jurisdictions. For example, what would the ‘New Republic’ mean to a cancer patient dependent on the British model of the NHS to survive, would free at the point of delivery healthcare be guaranteed to every Irish citizen? What would the ‘New Republic’ mean to someone who could not afford to pay for a doctor’s appointment or their lengthy prescriptions? If the New Republic means world class healthcare free on the point of delivery from Cork to Derry and Galway to Belfast then who couldn't support such a measure? Of course some would rightfully ask how the ‘New Republic’ be able to afford such measures.  After all, there is some who get their knickers in a twist at the thought of buying a bin token only to be reminded that those who buy bin tokens do not pay rates.
What would the New Republic mean to job seekers North and South? Would it mean less for those in the south or more for those in the north? Currently, those in the southern counties who are out of work enjoy an arguably more generous security than their northern counterparts. Albeit without the comfort of the NHS. Would the separate and very different education models be joined or would the task be so great that it would take generations to merge?

For those opposed to republican participation in the Stormont Assembly at any level, the question to you is, how do you meet the contemporary needs of people in the six counties? Again, your absence of alternatives only feeds passive support for the status quo. This piece is not suggesting a ‘use the system to break the system’ mentality. It is simply pointing out uncomfortable realities. This piece suggests a community council model which actively interacts with statutory bodies so for as principally possible to meet the needs of concerns of local people. Moreover, it is increasing likely that a functioning Stormont will be part and parcel as an all-Ireland arrangement. Gerry Adams has recently made suggestive remarks towards this. Should we not be ready?

The Eire Nua document provides a federal solution opposed to current unitary approach adopted by both the British the Irish jurisdictions. Eire Nua is not owned by one party.  Eire Nua creates four states united under a new Irish constitution with regional parliaments in Ulster, Leinster, Munster and Connaught.  Eire Nua decentralises, many of the functions and powers of government to a grassroots level. Therefore, providing democracy with a capital D in its purest form with citizen participation at its core.  Moreover, Stormont will continue to function within this arrangement albeit in an all-Ireland context. It will allow change to happen slowly in a rational and reasonable fashion with unionist inclusion at its centre. Under Eire Nua republican victory parades will be unlikely. Recently, as referred to earlier those who decades ago dramatically abandoned Eire Nua in favour of engaging unionism head on in a conflict have hinted on a return to its main concepts.  However, it is important to note that Eire Nua is a system of government. Not the strategic mechanism of achieving it.

That said, the alphabetic and numerical soup of the republican world is deeply embarrassing and a fitting tribute to the imperialist trait of divide and conquer. None of the current political republican groups has the capacity to achieve the republican objective alone. Any idea to the contrary is fanciful. There is a massive section of Irish republicanism that has walked away from the struggle due to this reality. Genuine attempts at republican unity are often scuppered by petty infighting and ego mania. Republican unity will not be an overnight reality. It will take time. A working relationship needs to be established as framework. The Irish people cannot and will not entrust a body of groups that can’t even unite themselves in common ground to unite their country.  Why would they? Moreover, the habitual and somewhat systematic direction of all energies towards the wrong doings of Provisional Sinn Fein or ‘Shinner Bashing’ is not within the attention span of the Irish people who thrive on the need for change.

In conclusion, for as long as the political, social and economic concerns listed above are not addressed the core republican objective will remain a pipe dream. Republicans must plant the victory seed that flourishes in the minds of the Irish people in a coherent fashion. The ‘New Republic’ must be visible and its warmth within touching distance. Doubts and concerns must be addressed in rational and meaningful fashion which are relatable to a contemporary Ireland. Uncertainty and confusion is what cements the Irish people to the burden of the unnatural partition of this island.

We watch on in hope!

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Be Very Careful About What We Wish For!

If we woke up tomorrow morning to discover that all militant republicans had vanished like Houdini, into thin air. IRPS RA's and RAADs all gone. What effect would that have on the people of Derry City?

Of course the PSNI, peace makers and semi pacifists would enjoy the news amongst those who have been affected by their existence. Firstly, there would be a big party in Ebrington Square, Ilex is paying and Estate Services is doing security.

However, the party-goers would include those in the drug trade and those involved in heinous, horrid and disgusting acts of antisocial behaviour. For their anti-community actions these thugs currently either end up getting shot, exiled or both. Sometimes they get lucky enough and get arrested slapped on the wrist whilst wearing their best tracksuit and conditionally discharged. UTH would now stand for UP The Houdini. FAP becoming fancy a pint.

The coppers would now ride bicycles without having to do laps of the area in rocket proof land-rovers minutes before hand.

The Bailiff's would land on their masses, taking TVs and cars at their will. Sure who's going to tell them where to go? Imagine the sight of bald headed body builders loading up 45” Tellys from Galliagh, Creggan or the Bog. All those bounced mobile phone contracts and catalogue debt being rolled into a van most likely with an Estate Services logo on its sides. Our own bailiffing our own. What a great sense of community.

Tomorrow the PSNI would become the only threat to major players within Ireland's southern drug gangs making Derry City a very good safe economic investment for them. Currently Derry's drugs are shipped in from Loyalists in Belfast and the north coast or ordered on-line. Very little comes directly from Irish players in the south.

Legal highs or Monk as it is called is easily came across on-line and in wee shops that champagne socialists love protecting.

So what currently stops Dublin and Limerick based gangs operating in Derry? Is it the fact that there currently exists a well armed, trained but sometimes haphazard, bulwark in this city with its ears close to ground and far reaching networks that are prepared to take on such gangs in order to protect their community? Oh dear!

Intelligence on drug dealers is easily sought, community workers and even flamboyant elected pro-establishment councillors with wild fetish, have handed over information with full knowledge of what the outcome could be. Mick from around the corner hears everything in his taxi. “Take me to Bloomfield Shop to get some Monk” they said.

Up until tomorrow when the Houdini magic happens, heroin was like hens teeth to come across in the city, the odd murmur of its existence is sounded a few times a year but nothing ever comes of it in comparison to other cities.

Tomorrow, what is stopping major heroin shipments being unleashed into this city with fearless dealers offering try before you buy, giving victims the very little needed to get hooked? You don't have to inject it 'jist smoke it!

Pretty soon Derry's undesirables will be tooting guns like wild west cowboys to protect their investment. Unlike support-wary republicans they wouldn't care who they gunned down and those who spoke out against them would be quickly cut down like  GTA hilly billies, along with anyone who just happens to be passing by. Community workers priests the lot.

Those who would entrust on the PSNI to deal with this hypothetical vision are today already questioning the PSNI's feeble attempts to engage the issue. Couple this with widespread accusations that hoods and dealers are working as informers for the PSNI. When questioned on this the PSNI didn't even deny that they are involved in such practises including the use of child informers. They admitted it! We should question their agenda!

Tomorrow looks pretty bleak.

Thankfully, this is only a course of mental imagery hyperbole bobbling around in my head translated onto a A4 sheet of paper.

Chis (Topper) Green